65-1810. Barber schools and colleges; approval by board; requirements;students, application, fees, license; unlawful acts.(a) No barber school or barber college shall beapproved by the boardunless:
(1) The school or college requires, as a prerequisite to graduation,a course of instruction of not less than1,500 hours to be completed within 18 months of not more thaneight hours in anyone working day;
(2) the course of instruction required by the school or collegeincludes scientific fundamentals of barbering; hygiene; histology of thehair and skin; structure of the head, face and neck; elementarychemistry relating to sterilization and antiseptics; massages andmanipulations of the muscles of the scalp, skin and neck; cutting,shaving, arranging, perming, waving, curling, coloring, bleaching,tinting and dyeing the hair; and barbering practices for all majorethnic groups residing in the state;
(3) all instructors of the school or college have beenlicensed practicing barbers for not less than three years and hold instructors licenses; and
(4) no practice or policy of discrimination is in effect againstapplicants for admission to the school or college by reason of race,religion, color, national origin or ancestry.
(b) An instructors license shall begranted by the board only afterthe applicant has passed a two-part examination, prescribed by the boardfor such purpose, with a grade of not less than 75% oneach part of the examination, and has paid the prescribed fee for suchexamination.
(c) Every barber school and every barber college shalldesignate to the publicthat it is a barber school or barber college by postinga sign on the frontwindow or entrance with letters not less than six inches in height.
(d) No barber school or barber college shallenroll or admit anystudent thereto unless such student shall make and file in duplicate anapplication upon a form prescribed and furnished by theboard. One copy of such application shall be retained by the school orcollege, and the school or college shall file the other with the board.Upon enrollment, a student shall pay to the board the fee prescribed fora student learning license. Such license shall be used by the studentwhile enrolled in the school or college and shall be placed next to or near the workingarea of the student.
(e) No barber school or barber collegeshall enroll or admit any student to apostgraduate course for the purpose of qualifying persons to pass theexamination conducted by the board to determine fitness to practicebarbering.
(f) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation tooperate a barber school or barber college without first obtaining a license from the board,fully complying withthe provisions of this act and paying an annual fee for the operationthereof.
History: L. 1939, ch. 241, § 3; L. 1961, ch. 288, § 1; L.1965, ch. 380, § 1; L. 1970, ch. 255, § 2; L. 1980, ch. 190, §1; L. 1982, ch. 265, § 1;L. 1988, ch. 249, § 1;L. 1990, ch. 225, § 3; July 1.