65-205. Joint board by cities and counties;agreement; jurisdiction;board in counties over 300,000.Whenever it shall be determined that the public health and sanitation ofany city or county may be best promoted by the creation of a joint boardof health for any two or more cities, counties or city and county thegoverningbodies of such municipalities may so declare by resolution and may, byagreementwith each other, establish a joint board of health with the same powers,duties, and limitations as are now or hereafter may be provided by law forthe creation and conduct of boards of health to act severally in suchmunicipalities.Upon the creation of any such board of health all the jurisdiction, powersand duties now conferred by law upon any local, municipal or county boardof health shall be withdrawn from such local, municipal or county boardof health and conferred upon the joint board of health. In all countieshaving a population of more than300,000 such boardof health existing on July 1, 1974, is hereby abolished and in its placea joint board is hereby created and shall consist of 11personswho shall be appointed as follows:
Five members, one of whom shall be a medical doctor who isdulylicensed to practice in the state of Kansas, shall be appointed by thegoverningbody of the first-class city located within such county; five members,one of whom shall be a psychiatrist who is duly licensed to practicein the state of Kansas, shall be appointed by the board of countycommissioners,and one member shall be appointed by the chiefdistrict judgeof such county, and such member shall be a pharmacist duly licensed underthe laws of the state of Kansas. Such members shall hold suchoffice fora term of four years and until their successors are appointed andqualified,except that the members of the first board appointed on or after July 1,1974, shall hold their offices for terms as follows: Three membersappointedby the governing body of the first-class city located within such countyfor a term of one year and two members appointed by suchgoverningbody for terms of three years; three members appointed by theboardof county commissioners of such county for terms of four years and twomembers appointed by such board of county commissioners for terms oftwo years; one member appointed by thechief district judgeof such county for a term of two years, and the appointing authority,appointing more than one member, shall designate the term for which eachis to serve. Such members shall be eligible for reappointment,butat notime shall a majority of such board be composed of medicaldoctors. Theactions of such board shall be subject to the approval of thegoverningbodies of the city and county sitting en banc and such governingbodiesmay, while sitting en banc, provide by mutual agreement and resolution,rules and regulations for the operation of such joint board ofhealth. Allthe powers, duties and functions conferred or imposed by law uponsuch jointboard of health in existence prior to July 1, 1974, and abolished by theprovisions of this act, are hereby transferred and conferred upon the jointboard of health created by this act.
History: L. 1943, ch. 223, § 1; L. 1961, ch. 282, § 1; L. 1974,ch. 249, § 1; L. 1976, ch. 145, § 210;L. 1999, ch. 57, § 62; July 1.