65-212. Establishment of mental health clinics and joint boards ofmental health in certain counties; tax levies, useof proceeds; issuance of bonds; adoption and publication of resolution;protest petition and election.The board of county commissioners of any such county may, upon theestablishment of such mental health clinic, levy an annual tax upon alltaxable tangible property in such county for the operation of such mentalhealth clinic, and in addition thereto to provide for the constructionof facilities for such mental health clinic and to pay a portion of theprincipal of and interest on bonds issued under the authority of K.S.A.12-1774, and amendments thereto, by cities located in thecounty. In addition to the levy authorized for the operation of suchmental health clinic, the board of county commissioners may levy anannual tax on alltaxable tangible property in their county and may issue and sell generalobligation bonds of such county, for the purpose of creating andproviding a special fund to be used in acquiring a site for, and thebuilding, equipping, repairing, remodeling and furnishing of a mentalhealth clinic or for any one or more of such purposes. Such levy mayalso be used to pay a portion of the principal of and interest on bondsissued under the authority of K.S.A. 12-1774, and amendmentsthereto, by cities located in the county. Such additional taxlevy may be madeannually until sufficient funds have been created for such purpose orpurposes, or if the county has issued and sold general obligation bonds,the proceeds raised by the annual tax levy shall be used to retire thegeneral obligation bonds and such tax levy shall continue until thegeneral obligation bonds have been retired. Such federal, state orprivate funds as may be available may be accepted by the board of countycommissioners to be placed in the fund for operation of or constructionof a mental health clinic as the case may be. Title to the building orbuildings of the mental health clinic shall vest in the board of countycommissioners and they may allow the mental health clinic which issubject to the jurisdiction of the joint board of health pursuant toK.S.A. 65-211, and amendments thereto, to use the building withoutcharge. The proceeds thereofshall be placed in the hands of the treasurer of the joint board ofhealth, to be administered as provided by K.S.A. 65-206, and amendmentsthereto. No levy shallbe made under the provisions of this act until a resolution authorizingthe making of such levies is passed by the board of county commissionersand published in three successive issues in anewspaper of generalcirculation within the county, whereupon such levies may be made unlessa petition in opposition to the same, signed by electors equal in numberto not less than 10% of the qualified electors of such county whovoted for the office of secretary of state in thelast preceding election, is filedwith the county clerk of such county within 30 days followingthe last publication of such resolution.
In the event such petition is filed it shall be the duty of the boardof county commissioners to submit the question to the voters at anelection called for such purpose or at the next general election. Noneof the debt limitations prescribed by law for any such county shallapply to any bonds issued under the authority conferred by this act. Theprovisions of this act shall be supplemental to other existing healthlaws in the counties affected thereby, but shall in no way abrogate oramend any such other existing health laws.
History: L. 1955, ch. 285, § 2; L. 1961, ch. 284, § 1; L.1965, ch. 371, § 2; L. 1970, ch. 100, § 39; L. 1975, ch. 162, §37; L. 1979, ch. 52, § 159;L. 1988, ch. 378, § 1;L. 1999, ch. 154, § 42; May 27.