65-213. Mental health clinic in certain counties; board of trustees,appointment, qualifications, terms.(a) In all counties having a population of more than 20,000 and less than22,000, and having an assessed tangible valuation of more than $40,000,000,wherein there has been established a county hospital, the board of countycommissioners of such county may, by resolution, provide for theestablishment of a mental health clinic for the diagnosis and treatment ofmental illness, which mental health clinic, when so established, shall beoperated by and subject to the jurisdiction of a board of trustees.
(b) The board of trustees shall consist of five citizens who shall beappointed by the board of county commissioners with reference to theirfitness for such office, all residents of the county, not more than threemembers shall be residents of the city in which the hospital is located.In addition, the board of trustees shall include consumers of mentalhealth services or representatives of mental health consumer groups andshall include family members of mentally ill persons.
(c) The members shall be appointed initially to hold their office asfollows, three for four years and two for two years, and, thereafter, eachsubsequent two years, the board of county commissioners shall appoint, forfour-year terms, successors to such members whose terms have expired.
History: L. 1957, ch. 345, § 1; L. 1990, ch. 92, § 32; Jan. 1, 1991.