65-2005. Designation of licensee; expiration andrenewal of license;reinstatement of license; temporary permits; temporary licenses; exemptlicense; display of license or permit; postgraduate permit; inactive license;federally active licensee.(a) A licensee shall be designated a licensed podiatrist and shall not useany title or abbreviations without the designation licensed podiatrist,practice limited to the foot, and shall not mislead the public as to suchlicensee's limited professional qualifications to treat human ailments.Whenever a registered podiatrist, or words of like effect, is referred to ordesignated by any statute, contract or other document, such reference ordesignation shall be deemed to refer to or designate a licensed podiatrist.
(b) The license of each licensed podiatrist shall expire on the dateestablished by rules and regulations of the board which mayprovide renewal throughout the year on a continuing basis. In each case inwhich a license is renewed for a period of time of less than one year, theboard may prorate the amount of the fee established under K.S.A. 65-2012 andamendments thereto. The request for renewal shall be on a form provided bythe board and shall be accompanied by the renewal fee established under K.S.A.65-2012 and amendments thereto which shall be paid notlater than the expiration date of the license. At least 30 days before theexpiration of a licensee's license, the board shall notify the licensee of theexpiration by mail addressed to the licensee's last mailing address as notedupon the office records. If a licensee fails to pay the renewal fee by the dateof expiration, the licensee shall be given a second notice that the licensee'slicense has expired and the license may be renewed only if the renewal fee andthe late renewal fee are received by the board within the thirty-dayperiod following the date of expiration and that, if both fees are notreceived within the thirty-day period, such licensee's license shall becanceled by operation of law and without further proceedingsfor failure to renew and shall bereissued only after the licensee has been reinstated under subsection (c).
(c) Any licensee who allows the licensee's license to becanceled by failing to renew may be reinstated upon recommendation of theboard and upon payment of the renewal fee and the reinstatement feeestablished pursuant to K.S.A. 65-2012 and amendments thereto and uponsubmitting evidence of satisfactory completion of the applicablereeducation and continuing education requirements established by the board.The board shall adopt rules and regulations establishing appropriatereeducation and continuing education requirements for reinstatement ofpersons whose licenses have been canceled for failure to renew.
(d) The board, prior to renewal of a license, shall require thelicensee, if in the active practice of podiatry within Kansas, to submit tothe board evidence satisfactory to the board that the licensee ismaintaining a policy of professional liability insurance as required byK.S.A. 40-3402 and amendments thereto and has paid the annual premiumsurcharge as required by K.S.A. 40-3404 and amendments thereto.
(e) The board may issue a temporary permit to practice podiatry in thisstate to any person making application for a license to practice podiatrywho meetsthe required qualifications for a license and who pays to theboard the temporary permit fee establishedpursuant to K.S.A. 65-2012 and amendments thereto. A temporary permit shallauthorize the permittee to practice within the limits of the permit untilthe license is issued or denied to the permittee by the board.
(f) The board may issue a postgraduate permit to practice podiatry to anyperson engaged in a full-time, approved postgraduate study program; has madeapplication for such postgraduate permit upon a form provided by the board;meets all the qualifications for a license, except the examination requiredunder K.S.A. 65-2004, and amendments thereto; and has paid the fee establishedpursuant to K.S.A. 65-2012, and amendments thereto. The postgraduate permitshall authorize the person receiving the permit to practice podiatry in thepostgraduate study program, but shall not authorize practice outside of thepostgraduate study program. The postgraduate permit shall be canceled if thepermittee ceases to be engaged in the postgraduate study program.
(g) The board may issue, upon payment to the board of thetemporary license fee established pursuant to K.S.A. 65-2012 and amendmentsthereto, a temporary license to a practitioner of another state or country whois appearing as a clinician at meetings, seminars or training programs approvedby the board, if the practitioner holds a current license, registration orcertificate as a podiatrist from another state or country and the sole purposeof such appearance is for promoting professional education.
(h) There is hereby created a designation of exemptlicense. The board is authorized to issue an exempt license to any licensee whomakes written application for such license on a form provided by the board andremits the fee for an exempt license established under K.S.A. 65-2012 andamendments thereto. The board may issue an exempt license only to a person whohas previously been issued a license to practice podiatry within Kansas, who isno longer regularly engaged in such practice andwho does not hold oneself out to the public as being professionally engagedin such practice. An exempt license shall entitle the holder toall privileges attendant to the practice of podiatry. Each exempt licensemay be renewed annuallysubject to the other provisions of this section and other sections of thepodiatry act. Each exempt licensee shall be subject to all provisions ofthe podiatry act, except as otherwise provided. The holder of anexempt license shall not be required to submit evidence of satisfactorycompletion of a program of continuing education required under the podiatryact. Each exempt licensee may apply for a license to regularly engage inthe practice of podiatry upon filing a written application with the boardand submitting evidence of satisfactory completion of the applicable andcontinuing education requirements established by the board. The requestshall be on a form provided by the board and shall be accompanied by thelicense fee established under K.S.A. 65-2012 and amendmentsthereto. The board shall adopt rules and regulations establishingappropriate and continuing education requirements for exempt licensees tobecome licensed to regularly practice podiatry within Kansas.
(i) There is hereby created a designation of inactive license. The boardis authorized to issue an inactive license to any licensee who makes writtenapplication for such license on a form provided by the board and remits the feefor an inactive license established pursuant to K.S.A. 65-2012, and amendmentsthereto. The board may issue an inactive license only to a person who meets allthe requirements for a license to practice podiatry in Kansas, who is notregularly engaged in the practice of podiatry in Kansas, who does not holdoneself out to the public as being professionally engaged in such practice andwho meets the definition of inactive health care provider as defined in K.S.A.40-3401, and amendments thereto. An inactive license shall not entitle theholder to practice podiatry in this state. Each inactive license may be renewedsubject to the provisions of this section. Each inactive licensee shall besubject to all provisions of the podiatry act, except as otherwise provided inthis subsection. The holder of an inactive license shall not be required tosubmit evidence of satisfactory completion of a program of continuingeducation required by K.S.A. 65-2010, and amendments thereto. Each inactivelicensee may apply for a license to regularly engage in the practice ofpodiatry upon filing a written application with the board. The request shall beon a form provided by the board and shall be accompanied by the license feeestablished pursuant to K.S.A. 65-2012, and amendments thereto. For thoselicensees whose license has been inactive for less than two years, the boardshall adopt rules and regulations establishing appropriate continuing educationrequirements for inactive licensees to become licensed to regularly practicepodiatry within Kansas. Any licensee whose license has been inactive for morethan two years and who has not been in the active practice of podiatry orengaged in a formal education program since the licensee has been inactive maybe required to complete such additional testing, training or education as theboard may deem necessary to establish the licensee's present ability topractice with reasonable skill and safety.
(j) There is hereby created a designation of federally active license. Theboard is authorized to issue a federally active license to any licensee whomakes written application for such license on a form provided by the board andremits the same fee required for a license established under K.S.A. 65-2012,and amendments thereto. The board may issue a federally active license only toa person who meets all the requirements for a license to practice podiatry inKansas and who practices podiatry solely in the course of employment or activeduty in the United States government or any of its departments, bureaus oragencies or who, in addition to such employment or assignment, providesprofessional services as a charitable health care provider as defined underK.S.A. 75-6102, and amendments thereto. The provisions of subsections (b) and(c) of this section relating to expiration, renewal and reinstatement of alicense and K.S.A. 65-2010, and amendments thereto, relating to continuingeducation shall be applicable to a federally active license issued under thissubsection. A person who practices under a federally active license shall notbe deemed to be rendering professional service as a health care provider inthis state for purposes of K.S.A. 40-3402, and amendments thereto.
(k) Each license or permit granted under this act shall beconspicuously displayed at the office or other place of practice of thelicensee or permittee.
(l) A person whose license has been revoked may apply for reinstatement ofthe license after the expiration of three years from the effective date of therevocation. Application for reinstatement shall be on a form provided by theboard and shall be accompanied by a reinstatement of a revoked license feeestablished by the board under K.S.A. 65-2012, and amendments thereto. Theburden of proof by clear and convincing evidence shall be on the applicant toshow sufficient rehabilitation to justify reinstatement of the license. If theboard determines a license should not be reinstated, the person shall not beeligible to reapply for reinstatement for three years from the effective dateof the denial. All proceedings conducted on an application for reinstatementshall be in accordance with the provisions of the Kansas administrativeprocedure act and shall be reviewable in accordance with the act for judicialreview and civil enforcement of agency actions. The board, on its own motion,may stay the effectiveness of an order of revocation of license.
History: L. 1927, ch. 246, § 6; L. 1951, ch. 362, § 3; L.1974, ch. 254, § 1; L. 1975, ch. 323, § 4; L. 1979, ch. 197, § 5;L. 1987, ch. 240, § 2; L. 1988, ch. 246, § 4;L. 1992, ch. 253, § 1;L. 2004, ch. 117, § 15; July 1.