65-2010. Continuing education.(a) Every licensed podiatrist in the active practice of podiatry withinKansas shall submit with the request for renewal under K.S.A. 65-2005 andamendments thereto evidence of satisfactory completion of a continuingeducation course approved by the board. The board shall revoke the licenseof any individual who fails to submit proof of completion of such course.Where a license has been revoked for this cause, the board may laterreissue such license if proof of completion of such course is later provided.
(b) Every licensed podiatrist in the active practice of podiatry withinKansas, in order to comply with the provisions of this section, shallcomplete such hours of continuing education as may be required by the boardby rules and regulations. The following categories of continuing educationprograms shall count toward satisfying the hourly requirement: (1) Programsoffered by colleges of podiatry; (2) veterans administration programs; (3)American podiatry association programs; (4) state podiatry associationprograms; (5) seminars sponsored by recognized specialty groups of theAmerican podiatry association; and (6) the activities of persons publishingpapers, presenting clinics, lecturing and teaching shall be granted 10credit hours for each hour of original presentation and hour for hourcredit for additional presentations of the same material.
(c) Formal meetings and seminars which are not included in any categoryof subsection (b) shall be assigned credit by the board upon the licenseefurnishing a copy of the program of such meetings and seminars to the boardfor the board's approval 30 days prior to the license renewal date.Podiatrists engaged in acceptable internships, residencies, militaryservice or formal graduate study will fulfill their continuing educationrequirements by the nature of their activities and shall not be required tofulfill the formal requirements for continuing education while involved inthe above training programs.
(d) Commercially sponsored courses shall not constitute approvedcourses for continuing education credit.
(e) Each licensed podiatrist shall be responsible for keeping arecord of attendance for credit in compliance with the requirements ofcontinuing education established by this section. Such record shall besubmitted to the board at the time required by subsection (a). The boardmay waive educational requirements set forth in subsections (a) and (b) forgood cause shown.
History: L. 1974, ch. 254, § 2; L. 1975, ch. 323, § 9;L. 1988, ch. 246, § 8; July 1.