65-2016. Review committee; establishment and appointment; qualifications;expenses.The state board of healing arts shall establish and appointareview committee for the practice of podiatry. The review committee shall becomposed of not less than two members. The members shall be licensedpodiatrists. Additional members of the review committee may be appointed on anad hoc basis. Such additional members shall be licensed podiatrists. Membersof the state board of healing arts shall not be eligible to act as members ofthe review committee. Members of the review committee may be selected fromnames submitted by the state podiatry association. The state board of healingarts shall ensure that no conflict of interest exists by reason of geography,personal or professional relationship, or otherwise, between any of the reviewcommittee members and any person whose conduct is being reviewed. Members ofthe review committee attending meetings of such committee shall be paidamounts provided in subsection (e) ofK.S.A. 75-3223, and amendments thereto.
History: L. 1992, ch. 137, § 1; July 1.