65-2892. Examination and treatment of persons under 18 for venerealdisease; liability.Any physician, upon consultation by any person under eighteen (18) yearsof age as a patient, may, with the consent of such person who is herebygranted the right of giving such consent, make a diagnostic examination forvenereal disease and prescribe for and treat such person for venerealdisease including prophylactic treatment for exposure to venereal diseasewhenever such person is suspected of having a venereal disease or contactwith anyone having a venereal disease. All such examinations and treatmentmay be performed without the consent of, or notification to, the parent,parents, guardian or any other person having custody of such person. Anyphysician examining or treating such person for venereal disease may, butshall not be obligated to, in accord with his opinion of what will be mostbeneficial for such person, inform the spouse, parent, custodian, guardianor fiance of such person as to the treatment given or needed without theconsent of such person. Such informing shall not constitute libel orslander or a violation of the right of privacy or privilege or otherwisesubject the physician to any liability whatsoever. In any such case, thephysician shall incur no civil or criminal liability by reason of havingmade such diagnostic examination or rendered such treatment, but suchimmunity shall not apply to any negligent acts or omissions. The physicianshall incur no civil or criminal liability by reason of any adversereaction to medication administered, provided reasonable care has beentaken to elicit from such person under eighteen (18) years of age anyhistory of sensitivity or previous adverse reaction to the medication.
History: L. 1969, ch. 222, § 1; L. 1972, ch. 161, § 17; July 1.