65-28,131. Same; website; licenseeinformation.(a) On and after July 1, 2010, the board shall makeavailable on a searchable website which shall be accessible by the public, thefollowing information regarding licensees:
(1) The licensee's full name, business address, telephone number, licensenumber, type, status and expiration date;
(2) the licensee's practice specialty, if any, and board certifications, ifany;
(3) any public disciplinary action taken against the licensee by the board orby the licensing agency of any state or other country in which the licensee iscurrently licensed or has been licensed in the past;
(4) any involuntary limitation, denial, revocation or suspension of thelicensee's staff membership or clinical privileges at any hospital or otherhealth care facility, and the name of the hospital or facility, the date theaction was taken, a description of the action, including any terms andconditions of the action and whether the licensee has fulfilled the conditionsof the action;
(5) any involuntary surrender of the licensee's drug enforcementadministration registration; and
(6) any final criminal conviction or plea arrangement resulting from thecommission or alleged commission of a felony in any state or country.
(b) Any person applying for an active license, including a renewal orreinstatement license, shall provide the information required in subsection (a)on forms or in a manner determined by the board by rule and regulation.
(c) At the time of licensure or renewal, a licensee may add a statement tosuch licensee's profile as it appears on the website created herein. Suchstatement may provide further explanation of any disciplinary informationcontained in such licensee's profile.
(d) This section shall be part of and supplemental to the healing arts act.
History: L. 2008, ch. 154, § 4; July 1.