65-28,132. Medical records maintenance trust fund;authorized uses of moneys credited to fund; rules and regulations.(a) For the purpose of paying for storage, maintenanceand transfer of medicalrecords by theboard of healing arts, there is hereby established the medical recordmaintenance trust fund.All payments and disbursements from the medical records maintenancetrust fund shall be made upon warrants of the director of accounts and reportsissued pursuant to vouchers approved by the executive director of the board orby any person designated by the board.
(b) The boardmay certify to the director of accounts andreports that a specific amount, but not more than $10, of each fee for theissuance or renewal of a license becredited to the medical records maintenance trust fund until such time thebalance exceeds $100,000. At any time the balancein the medical records trust fund falls below $100,000, the board shall certifyagain to the director of accounts and reports that a specific amount, but notto exceed $10, of each fee for the issuance or renewal of a license bedeposited in the state treasury andcredited to the medical records maintenancetrust fund.The board may order a licensee to reimbursethe amount ofexpenses incurred by the board in a case when such licenseefailed todesignate a custodian or providefor thestorage, maintenance, transfer and accessto suchlicensee's medical records upon becoming inactive. Upon receipt ofeach suchremittance, the state treasurer shall deposit the entire amount in the statetreasury to the credit ofthe medical records maintenance trust fund.
(c) On or before the 10th day of each month, the director ofaccounts and reports shall transfer from the state general fund to the medicalrecords maintenance trust fund interest earnings based on: (1) The averagedailybalance of moneys in the medical records maintenance trust fund for thepreceding month; and (2) the net earnings rate of the pooled money investmentportfolio for the preceding month.
(d) The board of healing arts shall adopt rules and regulations establishingthe procedures and standards necessary to implement the provisions of thissectionwithin one year of theeffective date of this section.
(e) This section shall be part of and supplemental to the Kansas healing artsact.
History: L. 2009, ch. 133, § 1; July 1.