65-28a02. Definitions.(a) The following words and phrases when used inthe physician assistant licensure act shall have themeaningsrespectively ascribed to them in this section:
(1) "Board" means the state board of healing arts.
(2) "Direction and supervision" means the guidance,direction andcoordination of activities of a physician assistantbysuch physician assistant's responsible or designated physician,whether written or verbal, whetherimmediate or by prior arrangement, in accordance with standardsestablished by the board by rules and regulations, which standards shall bedesigned to ensure adequate direction and supervision by the responsibleor designated physician of the physician assistant. The term"direction andsupervision" shall not be construed to mean that the immediate or physicalpresence of the responsible or designated physician is required during theperformance ofthe physician assistant.
(3) "Physician" means any person licensed by the stateboard ofhealing arts to practice medicine and surgery.
(4) "Physician assistant" means aperson who islicensed in accordance with the provisions of K.S.A. 65-28a04 andamendmentsthereto and who provides patientservices under the direction and supervision of a responsible physician.
(5) "Responsible physician" means a physician who hasacceptedcontinuous and ultimate responsibility for the medical services renderedand actions of thephysician assistant while performing under the direction and supervisionof theresponsible physician.
(6) "Designated physician" means a physiciandesignated by the responsible physician to ensure direction and supervision ofthe physician assistant.
(7) "Licensee" for purposes of the physician assistant licensure act, meansall persons issued alicense or temporary license pursuant to the physician assistant licensure act.
(8) "License" for purposes of the physician assistant licensure act,means any license or temporarylicense granted by the physician assistant licensure act.
History: L. 2000, ch. 162, § 2; Feb. 1, 2001.