65-28a06. Prohibited acts; act not to includecertain persons; penalty for violations.(a) It shall be unlawful for any person who is notlicensed under this actor whose license has been revoked or suspended to engage in the practice as aphysician assistant as defined by this act.
(b) No person shall useany title, abbreviation, letters, figures, sign,card or device to indicate that any person is a licensed physicianassistant, nor shall anyperson represent oneself to be alicensed physicianassistantunlesssuchperson has been duly licensed as a physicianassistant in accordance with the provisions of this act.
(c) The provisionsof this act shall not be construed to include the following persons:
(1) Persons rendering gratuitous services in the case of an emergency.
(2) Persons gratuitously administering ordinary household remedies.
(3) Individuals practicing religious beliefs which provide for reliance onspiritual means alone for healing.
(4) Students while performing professional services in an approved physicianassistant education and training program who after completing one year's studytreat diseases under the supervision of an approved instructor.
(5) Students upon the completion of anapproved physician assistant education and training program and who, as a partof their academic requirements for a degree, serve a preceptorship not toexceed 90 days under the supervision of a licensed physician.
(6) Persons whose professional services are performed under the direct andpersonal supervision or by order of a practitioner who islicensed under the healing arts act.
(7) Otherhealth care providers licensed, registered, certified or otherwise credentialedby agencies of the state of Kansas.
(8) Physician assistants in the United States army, navy, air force, publichealth service, coast guard, other military service and under other federalemployment when acting in theline of duty in this state.
(d) Any person violating the provisions of this section shall beguilty of a class B misdemeanor.
History: L. 2000, ch. 162, § 6; Feb. 1, 2001.