65-2921. Evaluation and treatment by physicaltherapists; when referral is required; exceptions.(a) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b), (c) or(d), a physical therapist may evaluate patients without physician referral butmay initiate treatment only after approval by a licensed physician, a licensedpodiatrist, a licensed physician assistant or an advanced registered nursepractitioner working pursuant to the order or direction of a licensedphysician, a licensed chiropractor,a licensed dentist or licensed optometrist in appropriately related cases.Physical therapists may initiate physical therapy treatment with the approvalof apractitionerof the healing arts duly licensed under the laws of another state and mayprovide such treatment based upon an order by such practitioner in any settingin which physical therapists would be authorized to provide such treatmentwith the approval of a physician licensed by the board, notwithstanding anyprovisions of the Kansas healing arts act or any rules and regulations adoptedby the board thereunder.
(b) Physical therapists may evaluate and treat a patient for no more than 30consecutive calendar days without a referral under the following conditions:(1) The patient has previously been referred to a physical therapist forphysical therapy services by a person authorized by this section to approvetreatment; (2) the patient's referral for physical therapy was made within oneyear from the date a physical therapist implements a program of physicaltherapy treatment without a referral; (3) the physical therapy being providedto the patient without referral is for the same injury, disease or conditionas indicated in the referral for such previous injury, disease or condition;and (4) the physical therapist transmits to the physician or other practitioneridentified by the patient a copy of the initial evaluation no later than fivebusiness days after treatment commences. Treatment for more than 30 consecutivecalendar days of such patient shall only be upon the approval of a personauthorized by this section to approve treatment.
(c) Physical therapists may provide, without a referral,services which do not constitute treatment for a specific condition, disease orinjury to: (1) Employees solely for the purpose of education and instructionrelated to workplace injury prevention; or (2) the public for the purpose offitness, health promotion and education.
(d) Physical therapists may provide services without areferral to special education students who need physical therapy services tofulfill the provisions of their individualized education plan (IEP) orindividualized family service plan (IFSP).
History: L. 2007, ch. 177, § 21; May 17.