65-3411. Ordersto prevent pollution or hazard.If the secretary finds that the generation, accumulation, management ordischarge of solid waste by any person is, or threatensto cause pollution of the land, air or waters of the state, or is a hazardto property in the area or to public health and safety, thesecretary may order the person to alter the generation, accumulation ormanagement of the solid waste or to provide and implement such solid wastemanagement system as will prevent or remove pollutionor hazards. The secretary may order any person having a permit issued pursuantto this act and operating a public or commercial solid waste managementsystem, or any part thereof, which the secretary finds suitable to managethe solid waste, to provide and implement a solid waste management systemor part thereof to prevent or remove such pollution or hazard. Such ordershall specify a fair compensation to the owner or permittee for propertytaken or used and shall specify the terms and conditions under which thepermittee shall provide such solid waste management services.Such order shall specify thelength of time, after receipt of the order during which the person or permitteeshall provide or implement the solid waste management system or alter thegeneration accumulation or management of the solid waste.
History: L. 1970, ch. 264, § 11; L. 1974, ch. 352, § 164; L.1977, ch. 221, § 5; L. 1981, ch. 251, § 25;L. 1986, ch. 318, § 97; July 1.