65-3506. Board of adult care home administratorsestablished; duties;members; appointment; qualifications; meetings; final orders; compensationand expenses.(a) There is hereby established the board of adult care homeadministrators. The board shall be attached to the department of healthand environment and shall be within the department as a part thereof.All budgeting, purchasing and related management functions of the boardshall be administered under the direction and supervision of thesecretary of health and environment. The departmentshall serve as theadministrative agency of the board in all respects andshall perform such services and duties as it may be legally calleduponto perform. The attorney for the board shall be an assistantattorney general appointed by the attorneygeneral. The office of the attorney general shall serve as the enforcementagency for the board. All vouchers for expenditures and all payrolls of theboardshall be approved by the chairperson of the board and by the secretaryof health and environment.
(b) The board of adult care home administrators shall be composed ofsevenmembers appointed by thegovernor, two of whom are representatives of professionsandinstitutions concerned with the care and treatment of chronically ill or infirmelderly patients, two consumer representatives who have no current or previousinvolvement in the financial affairs or as a member of the governing body ofany adult care home or any association directly concerned with the regulationor licensure of adult care homes in the state, andthree adultcare homeadministrators who, at the time of their appointment, are licensed by the stateand who have been actively engaged for the three yearsimmediately preceding appointment and who are currently actively engaged inthe administration of adult care homeswithin thestate. Nomore than three members of the board may be licensedadministrators. Members of the board, other than the licensedadministrators, shall have no direct financial interest in adult carehomes. Members of the board shall serve on the board for terms of twoyears or until otherwise disqualified from serving on the board. The provisionsof this act or the act of which this sectionis amendatory shall not affect the office of anymember of the board of adult care home administrators appointed prior to theeffective date of this act. All members of the board appointed after theeffective date of this act shall be appointed by the governor.As positions become vacant on the board, appointments shall be made in amanner so as to comply with the provisions of this section.
(c) Members of the board of adult care home administrators shallmeet at such times as may be appropriate but in no case less than once eachfour months. The chairperson of the board shall be elected annuallyfrom among the members of the board. All final orders shall be inwriting and shall be issued in accordance with the Kansas administrativeprocedureact.
(d) Members of the board who attend meetings of such board, orattend a subcommittee meeting thereof authorized by such board, shall bepaid compensation, subsistence allowances, mileage and other expenses asprovided in K.S.A. 75-3223, and amendments thereto.
History: L. 1975, ch. 328, § 2;L. 1980, ch. 194, § 1;L. 1988, ch. 352, § 2;L. 2001, ch. 197, § 3;L. 2003, ch. 71, § 3;L. 2006, ch. 157, § 1; July 1.