65-4006. Powers of secretary.The secretary may:
(1) Plan for, establish, amend, and revise standards for treatmentprograms as necessary or desirable;
(2) make contracts necessary or incidental to the performance ofthe secretary'sduties and the execution of the secretary's powers;
(3) solicit and accept for use any gift of money or property, real orpersonal, made by will or otherwise, and any grant of money, servicesorproperty from the federal government, the state or any politicalsubdivision thereof or any private source, and do all things necessary tocooperate with the federal government or any of its agencies in making anapplication for any grant;
(4) administer or supervise the administration of the provisionsrelating to persons with alcohol or otherdrug addiction of any state plan submittedfor federal funding pursuant to federal health, welfare or treatmentlegislation;
(5) coordinate its activities and cooperate withtreatment facilities for alcohol or other drug addiction programs inthis and other states, and make contracts and other joint or cooperativearrangements with state, local or private agencies in this and otherstates for the treatment of persons withalcohol or other drug addiction and for thecommon advancement of treatment facilities;
(6) keep records, gather relevant statistics and make and disseminateanalysis of same;
(7) do other acts and things necessary to execute the authorityexpressly granted to the secretary.
History: L. 1972, ch. 241, § 6; L. 1975, ch. 330, §7;L. 2007, ch. 95, § 3; July 1.