65-4014. Issuance or renewal of license; fees; term of license; rules andregulations.(a) Thesecretary shall issue a license if the applicant meets the minimumrequirements established by or pursuant to this act for a treatmentfacility. Each license shall be issued only for thepremises and persons or governmentalunits named in the application and shall not be transferable or assignableexcept with the written approval of the secretary. Licenses shall be postedin a conspicuous place on the licensed premises.
(b) The secretary may renew a license attheend of one, twoor three years depending upon a facility's level of compliance with therules and regulations adopted by the secretary pursuant toK.S.A. 65-4016 and amendments thereto.
History: L. 1972, ch. 241, § 14; L. 1975, ch. 330, §11;L. 1987, ch. 243, § 2;L. 1996, ch. 235, § 9;L. 2007, ch. 95, § 8; July 1.