65-4137. Pending proceedings.(a) Prosecution for any violation of law similar to one set out inK.S.A. 65-4124 to 65-4126, inclusive, occurring prior to the effective dateof this act is not affected orabated by this act. A violation of law is committed prior to theeffective date of this act if any of the essential elements of theviolation occurred before that date. Prosecutions for prior violationsof law shall be governed, prosecuted and punished under the lawsexisting at the time such violations of law were committed;
(b) civil seizures or forfeitures and injunctive proceedingscommenced prior to the effective date of this act shall not be affectedby this act;
(c) the board shall initially permit persons to register who own oroperate any establishment engaged in the manufacture, distribution ordispensing of any controlled substance prior to the effective date ofthis act and who are registered or licensed by the state; and
(d) this act applies to violations of law, seizures and forfeiture,injunctive proceedings, administrative proceedings and investigationswhich occur following its effective date.
History: L. 1972, ch. 234, § 37; L. 1972, ch. 235, § 3; July 1.