65-4206. Approved courses of mental health technology; standards;qualifications; providers of continuing education offerings.(a) An approved course of mental health technology is onewhichhas been approved by the board as meeting the standards of thisact and the rules and regulations of the board.The course, at a minimum, shall be of six months duration in which theinstitution shall provide for 18 weeks of schooling, one-halfdevoted to classroom instruction and one-half to clinical experience andshall include the study of:
(1) Basic nursing concepts;
(2) psychiatric therapeutic treatment; and
(3) human growth, development and behavioral sciences.
(b) An institution which intends to offer acourse on mental health technology shallapply to the board for approval and submit evidence that theinstitution is prepared to and will maintain the standards and curriculum asprescribed by this actand the rules and regulations of the board. The applicationshall be madein writing upon a form prescribed by the board with the application fee fixedby the board by rules and regulations.
(c) The approval of a school of mental healthtechnology shall expire five years after the granting of such approval by theboard. An institution desiring to continue to conduct a course of mentalhealthtechnology shall apply to the board for the renewal of approval and submitsatisfactory proof that the institution will maintain the standards and thebasic mental health technology curriculum asprescribed by this act and the rules and regulations of the board. Applicationsfor renewal of approval shall be made in writing on forms supplied by theboard. Each institution offering a course of mental health technologyshallsubmit annually to the board an annual fee fixed by the board by rules andregulations tomaintain approval status.
(d) Providers of continuing education. (1) To qualify as an approvedprovider of continuing education offerings, persons, organizations orinstitutions proposing to provide such continuing education offerings shallapply to the board for approval and submit evidence that the applicant isprepared to meet the standards and requirements established by the rules andregulations of the board for such continuing education offerings. Initialapplications shall be made in writing on forms supplied by the board and shallbe submitted to the board together with the application fee fixed by the board.
(2) A long-term provider means a person, organization or institution that isresponsible for the development, administration and evaluation of continuingeducation programs and offerings. Qualification as a long-term approvedprovider of continuing education offerings shall expire five years after thegranting of such approval by the board.An approved long-term provider of continuing education offerings shall submitannually to the board the annual fee established by rules and regulations,along with an annual report for the previous fiscal year. Applications forrenewal as an approved long-term provider of continuing education offeringsshall be made in writing on forms supplied by the board.
(3) Qualification as an approved provider of a single continuing educationoffering, which may be offered once or multiple times, shall expire two yearsafter the granting of such approval by the board. Approved single continuingeducation providers shall not be subject to an annual fee or annual report.
(4) In accordance with rules and regulations adopted by the board, the boardmay approve individual educational offerings for continuing education whichshall not be subject to approval under other subsections of this section.
(5) The board shall accept offerings as approved continuing educationpresented by: Colleges that are approved by a state or the national departmentof education andproviders approved by other state boards of nursing, the national league fornursing, the national federation of licensed practical nurses, the Americannurses credentialing center or other such national organizations as listed inrules and regulations adopted by the board.
History: L. 1973, ch. 308, § 6;L. 1992, ch. 151, § 5;L. 1997, ch. 146, § 4; May 8.