65-4217. Immunity from liability in civil actions for reporting,communicating or investigating certain information.(a) No person reporting to the board of nursing under oath and in good faithany information such person is required to report or is authorized toreport under K.S.A. 65-4216 and amendments thereto shall be subject to acivil action for damages as a result of reporting such information.
(b) Any state, regional or local association of licensed mental healthtechnicians, and the individual members of any committee thereof, whichin good faith investigates or communicates information to the board ofnursing or to any committee or agent thereof pertaining to thealleged commission by a mental health technician of an act which may be aground for disciplinary action pursuant to K.S.A. 65-4209 and amendmentsthereto shall be immune from liability in any civil action that is basedupon such information or transmittal of information if the investigationand communication were made in good faith and did not represent as true anymatter not reasonably believed to be true.
History: L. 1983, ch. 216, § 3; L. 1988, ch. 236, § 7; July 1.