65-5006. Same; credentialing criteria.(a) The technical committee appointed pursuant to K.S.A. 65-5003 andamendments thereto and the secretary shall apply thefollowing criteria to each credentialing application:
(1) The unregulated practice of the occupation or profession can harm orendanger the health, safety or welfare of the public and the potential forsuch harm is recognizable and not remote;
(2) the practice of the occupation or profession requires an identifiablebody of knowledge or proficiency inprocedures, or both, acquired through a formal period ofadvanced study or training, and the public needs and will benefit byassurances of initial and continuing occupational or professional ability;
(3) if the practice of the occupation or profession is performed,for the most part, under the direction of other health care personnel orinpatient facilities providing health care services, such arrangement is notadequate to protect the public from persons performing noncredentialedfunctions and procedures;
(4) the public is not effectively protected from harm bycertification of members of the occupation or profession or by meansother than credentialing;
(5) the effect of credentialing of the occupation or profession onthe cost of health care to the public is minimal;
(6) the effect of credentialing of the occupation or profession onthe availability of health care personnel providing services provided bysuch occupation or profession is minimal;
(7) the scope of practice of the occupation or profession is identifiable;
(8) the effect of credentialing of the occupation or profession on thescope of practice of other health care personnel, whether or notcredentialed under state law, is minimal; and
(9) nationally recognized standards of education or training existfor the practice of the occupation or profession and are identifiable.
(b) Reports of the technical committee, and thesecretary shall include specific findings on the criteria set forth insubsection (a). No report of the technical committee orthe secretary shall recommend credentialing of any occupational orprofessional group of health care personnel unless all the criteria setforth in subsection (a) have been met.
History: L. 1980, ch. 181, § 6;L. 1986, ch. 246, § 6;L. 1987, ch. 232, § 6; July 1.