65-5504. Respiratory care council established;appointment ofmembers; compensation.(a) There is established a respiratory care council toadvise theboard in carrying out the provisions of this act. The council shallconsist of seven members, all citizens and residents of thestate of Kansasappointed as follows: One member shall be a physician appointed by thestate board of healing arts; one member shall be the president of the stateboard of healing arts or a person designated by the president; two membersshall be from the public sector who are not engaged, directly or indirectly, inthe provision of health services appointed by the governor; and threemembers shall be respiratory therapists appointed by the governor. Thegovernor, insofar as possible, shall appoint persons from differentgeographical areas and persons who represent various types of respiratorytherapy practice. If a vacancy occurs on the council,the appointingauthority of the position which has become vacant shall appoint a person oflike qualifications to fill the vacant position for the unexpired term, ifany. The Kansas respiratory care society shall recommendthe names ofrespiratory therapists to thegovernor in a number equal to at least twice the positions or vacancies tobe filled, and the governor may appoint members to fill the positions orvacancies from the submitted list. Members of the council appointed by thegovernor onand after the effective date of this act shall be appointed for terms ofthree years and until their successors are appointed, except thatmembers appointed from the public sector shall be appointed for terms of twoyears and until their successors are appointed. The memberappointed by the state board of healing arts shall serve at the pleasure ofthe state board of healing arts. A member designated by the president ofthe state board of healing arts shall serve at thepleasure of the president.
(b) Members of the council attending meetings of the council, orattending a subcommittee meeting thereof authorized by the council, shallbe paid amounts provided in subsection (e) of K.S.A. 75-3223 and amendmentsthereto from the healing arts fee fund.
History: L. 1986, ch. 322, § 4; L. 1987, ch. 253, § 4; L. 1988, ch.251, § 4;L. 1999, ch. 87, § 9; Mar. 1, 2000.