65-5508. Waiver of examination and otherrequirements; when waived;special permits; temporary license.(a) The board may waive the examination, education or experiencerequirements and grant licensure to any applicantwho presents proofof current licensure or registration as a respiratory therapist in anotherstate, the District of Columbia or territory of the United States whichrequires standards for licensure or registration determined by the board tobe equivalent to the requirements forlicensure under this act.
(b) At the time of making an application under thissection, theapplicant shall pay to the board the application fee as required underK.S.A. 65-5509 and amendments thereto.
(c) The board may issue a special permit to a studentenrolled in anapproved school of respiratory therapy who applies for such special permiton a form provided by the board and who pays to the board the specialpermit fee as required under K.S.A. 65-5509 andamendments thereto. The special permit shall authorize a student who isenrolled in an approved school of respiratory therapy and who holds suchspecial permit to practice respiratory therapy under the supervision of alicensed respiratory therapist. Such special permitshall expire on thedatethat the student graduates from an approved school of respiratory therapy orotherwise ceases to be enrolled in an approved school of respiratory therapy.
(d) The board may issue a temporarylicense to an applicant forlicensure as a respiratory therapist who applies fortemporarylicensure on a form provided by the board, who meetsthe requirementsfor licensure or who meets all of the requirementsfor licensure exceptexamination and who pays to the board the temporarylicense fee asrequired under K.S.A. 65-5509 and amendments thereto.Such temporary licensure shall expire one year fromthe date of issue or onthedate that the board approves the application forlicensure, whichever occursfirst. No more than one such temporary license shallbe permitted to anyone person.
(e) A person registered to practice respiratory therapy on February 29,2000, shall be deemed to be licensed to practice respiratory therapy under thisact, and such person shall not be required to file an original application forlicensure under this act. Any application for registration filed but which hasnot been granted prior to March 1, 2000, shall be processed as an applicationfor licensure under this act.
History: L. 1986, ch. 322, § 8;L. 1987, ch. 253, § 5;L. 1991, ch. 192, § 6;L. 1997, ch. 26, § 2;L. 1999, ch. 87, § 13; Mar. 1, 2000.