65-5512. Expiration of license; failure to renew;renewal; suspendedlicense; fees.(a) Licenses issued under this act shall expire on the date of expirationestablished by rules andregulations of the board unless renewed in the manner prescribed by theboard. The request forrenewal shall be accompanied by the license renewal fee established pursuant toK.S.A. 65-5509, and amendments thereto. The board may establish additionalrequirements for license renewal which provide evidenceof continued competency.
(b) At least 30 days before the expiration of a licensee's license, theboard shall notify the licensee of the expiration by mail addressed to thelicensee's last mailing address as noted upon the office records. If thelicensee fails to pay the renewal fee by the date of expiration, the licenseeshall be given a second notice that the license has expired and the license maybe renewed only if the renewal fee and the late renewal fee are received by theboard within the thirty-day period following the date of expiration and that,if both fees are not received within the thirty-day period, the license shallbe deemed canceled by operation of law without further proceedings for failureto renew and shall be reissued only after the license has been reinstated undersubsection (c).
(c) Any license canceled for failure to renew as herein provided may bereinstated upon recommendation of the board and upon payment of thereinstatement fee and upon submitting evidence of satisfactory completion ofany applicable continuing education requirements established by the board.The board shall adopt rules and regulations establishing appropriate continuingeducation requirements for reinstatement of licenses canceled for failure torenew.
(d) A person whose license is suspended shall not engage inany conduct or activity in violation of the order or judgment by which thelicense was suspended.
History: L. 1986, ch. 322, § 12;L. 1999, ch. 87, § 17;L. 2004, ch. 117, § 22; July 1.