65-5707. Provisions of federal act adopted; application; submission oflists of chemicals and material safety data sheets.The provisions of sections 302(c), 303(d), 304, 311, 312, 313 and 323 of thefederal act, as effective on the effective date of this act, pertaining toproviding of information and giving of notifications shall be considered thelaw of this state and shall apply equally to all federal agencies, departments,installations and facilities located in this state, as well as to any otherfacilities subject to the federal act. For purposes of complying with thissection, facilities regulated under sections 311 and 312 of the federal actshall submit lists of chemicals in lieu of material safety data sheets, andtier II reports in lieu of tier I reports. Material safety data sheets shall besubmitted within 30 days of request to the state or local emergency planningcommittees.
History: L. 1987, ch. 231, § 7; L. 1991, ch. 202, § 3; July 1.