65-5723. Emergency response commission abolished;powers and duties transferred; orders and directives continued in effect untilsuperseded.The state emergency response commission created by K.S.A. 65-5703is hereby abolished.
(a) Except as otherwise provided by this order, all of the powers, duties,and functions of the existing state emergency response commission are herebytransferred to and conferred and imposed upon the commission on emergencyplanning and response.
(b) Whenever the phrase "state emergency response commission" or words oflike effect,are referred to or designated by a statute, rule and regulation, contract orother documents, the reference or designation shall be deemed to apply to thecommission on emergency planning and response.
(c) All orders and directives of the state emergency response commissionshall continue to be effective and shall be deemed to be orders and directivesof the commission on emergency planning and response until revised, amended ornullified pursuant to law.
History: Executive Reorganization Order No. 29,L. 1999, ch. 192, § 3; July 1.