65-5727. Adjutant general successor to secretary ofhealth and environment; force and effect of acts.Except as otherwise provided by this order, the adjutant generalshall be the successor in every way to the powers, duties, and functions of thesecretary of health and environment which were vested prior to the effectivedate of this order and which are transferred pursuant to K.S.A. 65-5725. Everyactperformed in the exercise of such powers, duties, and functions by or under theauthority of the adjutant general shall be deemed to have the same force andeffect as if performed by the secretary of health and environment in which suchpowers, duties, and functions were vested prior to the effective date of thisorder.
History: Executive Reorganization Order No. 29,L. 1999, ch. 192, § 7; July 1.