65-635. Same; powers and duties of inspectors.The chief food and drug inspector, as well as his inspectors,assistants, experts, analysts, or others appointed by him, shall have fullrights of ingress and egress to the premises occupied by parties whomanufacture, deal in or compound turpentine, linseed oil or flaxseed oil,and also shall have power and authority to open any tank, barrel, can orother vessel believed to contain such oil, turpentine, or products used inits manufacture, and to inspect the contents thereof, and to take therefromsamples for analysis, and in case any of the samples so taken shall proveon analysis to be adulterated in violation of the provisions of this act,it shall be the duty of the person securing the sample to proceed againstthe offender as herein provided.
History: L. 1911, ch. 179, § 5; May 22; R.S. 1923, 65-635.