65-6111. Powers and duties of emergency medicalservices board rules and regulations, temporary variances.(a) The emergency medical services board shall:
(1) Adopt any rules and regulations necessary to carry outthe provisions of this act;
(2) review and approve the allocation and expenditure ofmoneys appropriated for emergency medical services;
(3) conduct hearings for all regulatory matters concerningambulance services, attendants, instructor-coordinators, training officersand providers oftraining;
(4) submit a budget to the legislature for the operation ofthe board;
(5) develop a state plan for the delivery of emergencymedical services;
(6) enter into contracts as may be necessary to carry outthe duties and functions of the board under this act;
(7) review and approve all requests for state and federalfunding involving emergency medical services projects in the state ordelegate such duties to the administrator;
(8) approve all training programs for attendants,instructor-coordinators and training officers and prescribecertification application fees byrules and regulations;
(9) approve methods of examination for certification ofattendants, training officers andinstructor-coordinators and prescribe examination fees by rules andregulations;
(10) appoint a medical consultant for the board. Suchperson shall be a person licensed to practice medicine and surgery and shall beactive in the field of emergency medical services; and
(11) approve providers of training by prescribing standardsand requirements by rules and regulations and withdraw or modify such approvalin accordance with the Kansas administrative procedures act and the rules andregulations of the board.
(b) The emergency medical services board may grant a temporary variancefroman identified rule or regulation when a literal application or enforcement ofthe rule or regulation would result in serious hardship and the relief grantedwould not result in any unreasonable risk to the public interest, safety orwelfare.
History: L. 1988, ch. 261, § 11;L. 1993, ch. 71, § 2;L. 1998, ch. 133, § 3;L. 2008, ch. 47, § 1; July 1.