65-6129c. Training officer's certificate;application; requirements; renewal; denial, revocation, suspension.(a) Application for a training officer's certificate shall bemade to the emergency medical services board upon forms provided by theadministrator. The board may grant a training officer's certificate to anapplicant who: (1) Is an emergency medical technician, emergency medicaltechnician-intermediate, emergency medical technician-defibrillator, mobileintensive care technician, physician or professional nurse; (2) successfullycompletes aninitial course of training approved by the board; (3) passes an examinationprescribed by the board; (4) is appointed by a provider of training approved bythe board; and (5) has paid a fee established by the board.
(b) A training officer's certificate shall expire on theexpiration date of the attendant's certificate if the training officer is anattendant or on the expiration date of the physician's or professional nurse'slicense if the training officer is a physician or professional nurse. Atraining officer's certificate may be renewedfor the same period as the attendant's certificate or the physician's orprofessional nurse's license upon payment of a fee asprescribed by rules and regulations and upon presentation ofsatisfactory proofthat thetraining officer has successfully completed continuing education prescribed bythe board and is certified as an emergency medical technician, emergencymedical technician-intermediate, emergency medical technician-defibrillator,mobile-intensive care technician, physician or professional nurse.The board may prorate to the nearest whole month the fee fixed under thissubsection as necessary to implement the provisions of this subsection.
(c) A training officer's certificate may be denied, revoked, limited,modified or suspended by the board or the board may refuse to renew suchcertificate if suchindividual:
(1) Fails to maintaincertification or licensure as an emergency medical technician, emergencymedical technician-intermediate, emergency medical technician-defibrillator,mobile intensive care technician, physician or professional nurse;
(2) fails to maintain support ofappointment by a provider of training;
(3) fails to successfully completecontinuing education;
(4) has made intentional misrepresentations in obtaining acertificate orrenewing a certificate;
(5) has demonstrated incompetence or engaged inunprofessional conduct asdefined by rules and regulations adopted by the board;
(6) has violated or aided and abetted in the violation ofany provision ofthis act or the rules and regulations promulgated by the board; or
(7) has been convicted of any state or federal crime thatis relatedsubstantially to the qualifications, functions and duties of a training officeror any crime punishable as a felony under any state or federal statute andthe board determines that such individual has not been sufficientlyrehabilitated to warrant public trust. Aconviction means a plea of guilty, a plea of nolo contendere or a verdict ofguilty. The board may take disciplinary action pursuant to this section whenthe time for appeal has elapsed, or after the judgment of conviction isaffirmed on appeal or when an order granting probation is made suspending theimposition of sentence.
(d) The board may revoke, limit, modify or suspend a certificate or theboard may refuse to renew such certificate in accordance with the provisions ofthe Kansas administrative procedure act.
(e) If a person who previously was certified as a trainingofficer appliesfor a training officer's certificate within two years of the date of itsexpiration, the board may grant a certificate without the person completing aninitial course of training or taking an examination if the person complies withthe other provisions of subsection (a) and completes continuing educationrequirements.
History: L. 1998, ch. 133, § 17;L. 2000, ch. 117, § 4; July 1.