65-6138. Emergency medical services communications system;establishment; medical communications centers; purpose.In order to provide adequate emergency medical care for the people of thisstate, the emergency medical services board is hereby authorizedto establish, maintain and operate an emergencymedical services communications system, subject to approval by thesecretary of administration under K.S.A. 75-4709, and amendmentsthereto. The emergency medical services board shall establishcommunication centers, to be known as medical communicationscenters, in various locations in the state to be determined by theemergency medical services board, for the purposes of receiving requests foremergency medical assistance and for coordinatingthe activities of ambulances with medical care facilities and otheremergency public safety agencies. Subject to approval by the secretary ofadministration under K.S.A. 75-4709, and amendments thereto, theemergency medical services board may provide mobileradio units to ambulance services, as hereinafter provided, which willprovide such ambulance services with direct communication to or frommedical communication centers established for such purpose.
History: L. 1988, ch. 261, § 38; April 14.