65-6153. Emergency medical services data collectionsystem; information collected; rules and regulations.(a) Within the limits of appropriations therefor, the boardofemergency medical services shall develop andmaintain astatewide data collection system to collect and analyze emergency medicalservicesinformation, including, but not limited to, dispatch, demographics, patientdata,assessment, treatment, disposition, financial and any other pertinentinformation thatwill assist the board in improving the quality of emergency medical services.
(b) Each operator of an ambulance service shall collect and report to theboardemergency medical services information pursuant to rules and regulationsadopted bythe board. The board shall adopt rules and regulations which use the mostefficient,least intrusive means for collecting emergency medical services informationconsistentwith ensuring the quality, timeliness, completeness and confidentiality of thesystem.
History: L. 2006, ch. 161, § 1; July 1.