65-6206. Task force on long-term care services;composition and appointment; staffing of task force; reimbursement forattending meetings; reports and recommendations of task force; expiration ofsection.(a) A task force on long-term care services is herebyestablished to study state and federal laws and rules and regulations whichimpact on the servicesprovided by government and the private sector to citizens who are consumers oflong-term care services, the financing of these services, bothpublic and private, the effectiveness of partnering activities between stateagencies and long-term care providers and such other matters relating theretoas the task forcedeemsappropriate.
(b) The task force shall consist of 20 members appointed as follows:
(1) Seven members appointed by the legislative coordinating council, three ofwhom shall be consumers of long-term care services, three of whom shall beproviders of long-term careservices and one of whom shall be a trustee or board member of a long-term carefacility;
(2) two members appointed by the president of the senate and the speaker ofthe house of representatives, one of whom shall be a member of the senatecommittee on ways and means and one of whom shall be a member of the housecommittee on appropriations and both of whom shall be from different politicalparties;
(3) two membersappointed by the president of the senate, one of whom shall be a member of thesenate committee on public health and welfare and one of whom shall be a memberof the senate committee on financial institutions and insurance;
(4) two members appointed by the minority leader of the senate, one of whomshall be a member of the senate committee on public health and welfare and oneof whom shall be a member of the senate committee on financial institutions andinsurance;
(5) two members appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives, oneof whom shall be a member of the house committee on health and human servicesand one of whom shall be a member of the house committee on insurance;
(6) two members appointed by the minority leader of the house ofrepresentatives, one of whom shall be a member of the house committee on healthand human services and one of whom shall be a member of the house committee oninsurance. Of the seven members appointed by the legislative coordinatingcouncil, no more than two members shall reside in any one congressionaldistrict;
(7) one member shall be the secretary of social and rehabilitation servicesor the secretary's designee;
(8) one member shall be the secretary of health and environment or thesecretary's designee; and
(9) one member shall be the secretary of aging or the secretary's designee.
(c) The legislative coordinating council shall appoint the chairperson andvice-chairperson from among the membership of the task force, the chairpersonto be appointed from among the legislator members of the task force. Staffingfor the task force shall be available from the legislative research department,the revisor of statutes office and the division of legislative administrativeservices if authorized by the legislativecoordinating council.
(d) The members of the task force shall receive reimbursement for attendingmeetings of the task force as authorized by the legislative coordinatingcouncil consistent with the provisions of K.S.A. 46-1209 and amendmentsthereto.
(e) The task force shall prepare and submit a report and recommendations tothe governor and to the legislature on or before the second Monday of Januaryeach year through 2005. In developing such recommendations the task force shallgive consideration to creative, common sense solutions and approaches toproblems which do not necessarily require additional expenditures of money.
(f) As used in this section, the term "long-term care" includes a broadspectrum of supports, ranging from skilled nursing services to assistance withactivities of daily living or help with instrumental activities of dailyliving.
(g) The provisions of this section shall expire on July 1, 2005.
History: L. 2000, ch. 135, § 1; May 18.