65-6218. Assessment revenues; guidelines fordisbursement; health care access improvement panel; composition, organizationand annual report.(a) Assessment revenues generated from the hospital providerassessmentsshall bedisbursed as follows:
(1) Not less than 80% of assessment revenues shall be disbursed to hospitalproviders through a combination of medicaid access improvement payments andincreased medicaid rates on designated diagnostic related groupings, proceduresor codes;
(2) not more than 20% of assessment revenues shall be disbursed to providerswho are persons licensed to practice medicine and surgery or dentistry throughincreasedmedicaid rates on designated procedures and codes; and
(3) not more than 3.2% of hospital provider assessment revenues shall be usedto fund health care access improvement programs in undergraduate, graduate orcontinuing medical education, including the medical student loan act.
(b) Assessment revenues generated from the health maintenance organizationassessmentshall be disbursed as follows:
(1) Not less than 53% of health maintenance organization assessment revenuesshall be disbursed to health maintenance organizations that have a contractwith the department through increased medicaid capitationpayments;
(2) not more than 30% of health maintenance organization assessment revenuesshall be disbursed to fundactivities to increase access to dental care, primary care safety net clinics,increased medicaid rates on designated procedures and codes for providers whoare persons licensed to practice dentistry, and home and community-basedservices;
(3) not more than 17% of health maintenance organization assessment revenuesshall be disbursed to pharmacy providers through increased medicaid rates.
(c) For the purposes of administering and selecting the disbursementsdescribed in subsections (a) and (b) of this section, the health care accessimprovement panel is hereby established. The panel shall consist ofthe following: Three members appointed by the Kansas hospital association,two members who are persons licensed to practice medicine and surgery appointedby the Kansas medical society, one member appointed by each health maintenanceorganization that has amedicaid managed care contract with the department of social and rehabilitationservices, one member appointed by the Kansas association for the medicallyunderserved,and one representative of the department of social and rehabilitation servicesappointed by the governor.The panel shall meet as soon as possible subsequent to the effective date ofthis act and shall elect a chairperson fromamong the members appointed by the Kansas hospital association.Arepresentative of the panel shall be required to make an annual report to thelegislature regarding the collection and distribution of all funds received anddistributed under this act.
History: L. 2004, ch. 89, § 13; L. 2004, ch. 141, § 4;July 1.