65-6402. Definitions.As used in the marriage and family therapists licensureact:
(a) "Board" means the behavioral sciences regulatory board created underK.S.A. 74-7501 and amendments thereto.
(b) "Marriage and family therapy" means theassessment and treatment ofcognitive, affective or behavioral problems within the context of maritaland family systems and includes the diagnosis and treatment of mentaldisorders as authorized under the marriage and family therapists licensureact.
(c) "Licensed marriage and family therapist" means apersonwho engages in the practice ofmarriage and family therapyand who islicensed under this actexcept that on and after January 1, 2002, such person shall engage in thepractice of marriage and family therapy only under the direction of a licensedclinical marriage and family therapist,a licensed psychologist, a person licensed to practice medicine andsurgery or a person licensed to provide mental health services as anindependent practitioner and whose licensure allows for the diagnosis andtreatment of mental disorders.
(d) "Licensed clinical marriage and family therapist" means a person whoengages in the independent practice of marriage and family therapyincluding the diagnosisand treatment of mental disorders specified in the edition of the diagnosticand statistical manual of mental disorders of the American psychiatricassociation designated by the board by rules and regulations and is licensedunder this act.
History: L. 1991, ch. 114, § 2;L. 1996, ch. 153, § 17;L. 1999, ch. 117, § 18; July 1, 2000.