65-6404. Application for licensure; requirements;fees; practice of licensed clinical marriage and family therapist.(a) An applicant for licensure as amarriage and family therapist shall furnish evidence that the applicant:
(1) Has attained the age of 21;
(2) (A) has completed a master's or doctoral degree from amarriage andfamily therapy program, in an educational institution with standardsapproved by the board;or (B) has completed a master's or doctoral degree from an educationalinstitution in a related field for which the course work is considered bythe board to be equivalent to that provided in clause (2)(A)of this paragraph and consists of a minimum of nine semester hours in humandevelopment, nine semester hours in theories of marriage and familyfunctioning, nine semester hours of marital and family assessment and therapy,three semester hours in professional studies and three semester hours inresearch;or (C) completed a master's or doctoral degree from aneducational institution in a related field with additional work from aneducational program in marriage and family therapy approved by the boardand such degree program and additional work includes the course workrequirementsprovided in clause (2)(B) of this paragraph;
(3) has passed an examination approved by the board;
(4) has satisfied the board that the applicant is a personwho merits thepublic trust; and
(5) Each applicant has paid theapplication feeestablished by the board under K.S.A. 65-6411 and amendments thereto.
(b) (1) Applications for licensure as a clinical marriage and familytherapist shall be made to the board on a form and in the manner prescribed bythe board. Each applicant shall furnish evidence satisfactory to the board thatthe applicant:
(A) Is licensed by the board as a licensed marriage and family therapist ormeets all requirements for licensure as a marriage and family therapist;
(B) has completed 15 credit hours as part of or in addition to therequirements under subsection (a) supporting diagnosis or treatment of mentaldisorders with use of the American psychiatric association's diagnostic andstatistical manual, through identifiable study of the following content areas:Psychopathology, diagnostic assessment, interdisciplinary referral andcollaboration, treatment approaches and professional ethics;
(C) has completed a graduate level supervised clinical practicum ofsupervised professional experience including psychotherapy and assessment withindividuals, couples, families or groups, integrating diagnosis and treatmentof mental disorders with use of the American psychiatric association'sdiagnostic andstatistical manual, with not less than 350 hours of direct client contact oradditional postgraduate supervised experience as determined by the board;
(D) has completed not less than two years of postgraduate supervisedprofessional experience in accordance with a clinical supervision planapproved by the board of not less than 4,000 hours of supervised professionalexperience including at least 1,500 hours of direct clientcontact conductingpsychotherapy and assessments with individuals, couples, families or groups andnot less than 150 hours of clinical supervision, including not less than50 hours of person-to-person individual supervision, integrating diagnosisandtreatment ofmental disorders with use of the American psychiatric association's diagnosticand statistical manual, except that one-half of the requirement of thispart (D) may be waived for persons with a doctor's degree inmarriageand family therapy or a related field acceptable to the board;
(E) for persons earning a degree under subsection (a)prior to July 1, 2003, in lieu of the educationand training requirements under parts (B) and (C) of this subsection, hascompleted theeducation requirements for licensure as a marriage and familytherapist in effect on the day immediatelypreceding the effective date of this act;
(F) for persons who apply for and are eligible for a temporary permit topractice as a licensedmarriage and family therapist on the day immediately preceding the effectivedate ofthis act, in lieu of the education and training requirements under parts (B),(C) and (D) of this subsection, has completed the education and trainingrequirements for licensure as a marriage and family therapist in effect on theday immediately precedingthe effective date of this act;
(G) has passed an examination approved by the board; and
(H) has paid the application fee fixed under K.S.A. 65-6411 and amendmentsthereto.
(2) A person who was licensed or registered as a marriage and familytherapistin Kansas at any time prior totheeffective date of this act,who has been actively engaged in the practice of marriage and family therapyas a registered or licensed marriage and family therapistwithin five years prior to theeffective date of this actand whose last license or registration in Kansasprior to the effective date of this act was not suspended or revoked, uponapplication to the board,payment of fees and completion of applicable continuing education requirements,shall be licensed as alicensed clinical marriage and family therapist by providingdemonstration ofcompetence todiagnose andtreat mental disorders through at least two of the following areas acceptableto the board:
(A) Either (i) graduate coursework or (ii) passing anational, clinicalexamination;
(B) either (i) three years of clinical practice in acommunity mental healthcenter, its contracted affiliate or a state mental hospital or (ii) three yearsof clinical practice in other settings with demonstrated experience indiagnosing or treating mental disorders; or
(C) attestation from one professional licensed to diagnoseand treat mentaldisorders in independent practice or licensed to practice medicine and surgerythat the applicant is competent to diagnose and treat mental disorders.
(3) A licensed clinical marriage and family therapist may engage in theindependent practice of marriage and family therapy and is authorized todiagnose and treat mental disorders specified in the edition of the diagnosticand statistical manual of mental disorders of the Americanpsychiatric association designated by the board by rules and regulations.When a client has symptoms of a mental disorder, a licensed clinical marriageand family therapist shall consult with the client's primary care physician orpsychiatrist to determine if there may be a medical condition or medicationthat may be causing or contributing to the client's symptoms of a mentaldisorder. A client may request in writing that such consultation be waived andsuch request shall be made a part of the client's record. A licensed clinicalmarriage and family therapist may continue to evaluate and treat the clientuntil such time that the medical consultation is obtained or waived.
(4) On and afterJanuary 1, 2002, a licensed marriage and family therapist may diagnose andtreat mental disorders specified in the edition of the diagnostic andstatistical manual of mental disorders specified in the edition of thediagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders of the Americanpsychiatric association designated by the board by rules and regulations onlyunder the direction of a licensed clinical marriage and family therapist,licensed psychologist, person licensed to practice medicine and surgery orperson licensed to provide mental health services as an independentpractitioner and whose licensure allows for the diagnosis and treatment ofmental disorders.When a client has symptoms of a mental disorder, a licensed marriage andfamily therapist shall consult with the client's primary care physician orpsychiatrist to determine if there may be a medical condition or medicationthat may be causing or contributing to the client's symptoms of a mentaldisorder. A client may request in writing that such consultation be waived andsuch request shall be made a part of the client's record. A licensed marriageand family therapist may continue to evaluate and treat the client until suchtime that the medical consultation is obtained or waived.
History: L. 1991, ch. 114, § 4;L. 1996, ch. 153, § 19;L. 1999, ch. 117, § 20;L. 2001, ch. 154, § 8;L. 2009, ch. 135, § 1; May 28.