65-6413. Disclosure to client at beginning ofclient-therapist relationship; documentation.A licensee under the marriage and family therapistslicensure act, at the beginning of a client-therapist relationship, shallinform the client ofthe level of such licensee's training and the title or titles and license orlicenses of such licensee.As a part of such obligation, such licensee shall disclose whether suchlicensee has a master's degree or a doctoral degree. If such licensee has adoctoral degree, such licensee shall disclose whether or not such doctoraldegree is a doctor of medicine degree or some other doctoral degree. If suchlicensee does not have a medical doctor's degree, such licensee shall disclosethat the licensee is not authorized to practice medicine and surgery and is notauthorized to prescribe drugs. As a part of such disclosure, such licenseeshall advise the client that certain mental disorders can have medical orbiological origins, and that the client should consult with a physician.Documentation of such disclosures to a client shall be made in the client'srecord.
History: L. 1999, ch. 117, § 21; July 1, 2000.