65-6602. Representation as alcohol and other drug abuse counselors,prohibition, misdemeanor; registration of counselors, rules and regulations,qualifications; examination, fee; construction of act.(a) On and after January 1, 1993, no person shall representthatsuch person is a registered alcohol and other drug abuse counselorunless suchperson is registered under this act as an alcohol and other drug abusecounselor. A violation of this subsection is a class C misdemeanor.
(b) The board shalladopt by rules and regulations a system for registration ofalcohol and other drug abuse counselors. Such rules and regulations shallinclude qualifications for registration which promote safe and adequatetreatment, evaluation and prevention of alcohol and other drug abuse. Suchrules and regulations shall requirethe following:
(1) Abachelors degree, a masters degree or a doctors degree in asocial-services or health-related field which includes18 academic credit hours of coursework in thefollowing care work functions of an alcohol and other drug abuse counselor asfollows: Three credit hours screening and intake; three credit hoursorientation and assessment; three credit hours treatment planning andcounseling; three credit hours case management and crisis intervention; threecredit hours client education and referral; and three credit hours reports andrecordkeeping and consultation with other professionals; and
(2) experience of not less than 500 hours of practicumand 2,500 hours of supervised work experience, atleast 1,000 hours of which are postgraduate hours, underthe supervision of a registered alcohol and other drug abuse counselor,or an individual qualified for registration as an alcohol or other drug abusecounselor under this act, within three years immediately preceding firstregistration underthis act.
(c) The board shall require each person seeking registration as analcohol and other drug abuse counselor to successfully complete an examinationprescribed by the board. The board shall fix by rules and regulations a fee forsuch examination inan amount sufficient to pay for the costs and administration thereof. Anyperson desiring to take the examination shall first submit satisfactoryproof that the person has the qualifications required pursuant to subsection(b) or (d).
(d) A person who does not have the qualifications prescribed pursuant tosubsection (b) may qualify for examination and, upon passage of theexamination, registration pursuant to this act if the person submitssatisfactory proof that, on December 31, 1992, the person:
(1) Is practicing as an alcohol and other drug abuse counselor in thisstate, has an offer of employment as an alcohol and other drug abuse counselorin this state or is an alcohol and other drug abuse counselor living in thisstate; and
(2) has 1,000 hours of experience as an alcohol and other drug abusecounselorwithin the immediately preceding 12-month period or has 3,000 hours ofexperience in alcohol and other drug abuse counseling within the immediatelypreceding 60-month period.
(e) A person may qualify for registration if such person submitssatisfactory proof that the person was practicing asan alcohol and other drug abuse counselor in another state and is qualifiedin accordance with standards which the board determines are comparableto those provided pursuant to this act.
(f) Nothing in the alcohol and other drug abuse counselor registration actshall be construed to authorize a person registered under the act to diagnoseor treat mental illness or mental disease.
History: L. 1992, ch. 184, § 2; July 1.