65-6603. Registration; duration; renewal, application and fee; suspensionor revocation, reinstatement; continuing education; rules and regulations;duplicate registration.(a) Registration under this act shall be for a period of two years.A registration may be renewed upon application and payment of therenewal fee. A person whose registration has been suspended or revoked maymake written application to the board requesting reinstatement of theregistration upon termination of the period of suspension or revocation in amanner prescribed by the board, which application shall be accompanied by thereinstatement fee established by the board. The application for renewal of aregistration shall be accompanied by evidence satisfactory to the board thatthe applicant has completed during the previous two-year period the continuingeducation required by rules and regulations of the board.
(b) The board shall fix by rules and regulations fees forapplications for registration, renewal of registration and reinstatement ofregistration underthis act. Such fees shall be fixed in amountsto cover the costs of administering the provisions of this act, but not toexceed $100. Theboard shall remit all moneys received from fees collectedunder this act to the state treasurer at least monthly. Upon receipt ofeach such remittance the state treasurer shall deposit the entire amountthereof in the state treasuryand credit such amount as provided under K.S.A. 74-7506 and amendmentsthereto.
(c) The application for renewal shall be made at least 30 days beforethe date of the expiration of the registration. If the application for renewal,including payment of the required renewal fee, is not made on or before thedate of the expiration of the registration, the registration is void, and noregistration shall be reinstated except upon payment of the required renewalfee, plus a penalty equal to the renewal fee. Upon receipt of such payment andproof, the board shall reinstate the registration, except that noregistration shall be reinstated if such payment and proof is received morethan one year after the date of expiration of the registration.
(d) A duplicate registration shall be issued by the board upon receipt of a$20 fee.
History: L. 1992, ch. 184, § 3; July 1.