65-6710. Same; materials to be published anddistributed by the department of health and environment; materials to beavailable at no cost.(a) The department shall cause to be published and distributed widely, within30 days after the effective date of this act, and shall update on an annualbasis, the following easily comprehensible informationalmaterials:
(1) Geographically indexed printed materials designed to inform thewoman of publicand private agencies and services available to assist a woman throughpregnancy, upon childbirth and while her child is dependent, including but notlimited to, a list of providers of free ultrasound services andadoption agencies. The materials shall include a comprehensive listof the agencies, a description of the services they offer and the telephonenumbers and addresses of the agencies; and inform the woman about availablemedical assistance benefits for prenatal care, childbirth and neonatal care andabout the support obligations of the father of a child who is born alive. Thedepartment shall ensure that the materials described in this section arecomprehensive and do not directly or indirectly promote, exclude or discouragethe use of any agency or service described in this section. The materials shallalso contain a toll-free 24-hour a day telephone number which may be called toobtain, orally, such a list and description of agencies in the locality of thecaller and of the services they offer. The materials shall state that it isunlawful for any individual to coerce a woman to undergo an abortion, that anyphysician who performs an abortion upon a woman without her informed consentmay be liable to her for damages. Kansas law permits adoptive parents to paycosts of prenatal care, childbirth and neonatal care. The materials shallinclude the following statement:
"Many public and private agencies exist to provide counseling andinformation on available services. You are strongly urged to seek theirassistance toobtain guidance during your pregnancy. In addition, you are encouraged to seekinformation on abortion services, alternatives to abortion, including adoption,and resources available to post-partum mothers. The law requires that yourphysician or the physician's agent provide the enclosed information."
(2) Printed materials that inform the pregnant woman of the probableanatomical andphysiological characteristics of the fetus at two-week gestationalincrements from fertilization to full term, including pictures or drawingsrepresenting the development of a fetus at two-week gestationalincrements, and any relevant information on the possibility of the fetus'survival. Any such pictures or drawings shall contain the dimensions ofthe fetus and shall be realistic. The materials shall be objective,nonjudgmental and designed to convey only accurate scientific information aboutthe fetus at the various gestational ages. The material shall alsocontain objective information describing the methods of abortion procedurescommonly employed, the medical risks commonly associated with each suchprocedure and the medical risks associated with carrying a fetus to term.
(3) A certification form to be used by physicians or their agents undersubsection (e) of K.S.A. 65-6709, and amendments thereto, which willlist all theitems ofinformation which are to be given to women by physicians or their agents underthe woman's-right-to-know act.
(4) A standardized video containing all of the information described inparagraphs (1)and (2). In addition, the video shall show ultrasound images, using the bestavailable ultrasound technology, of a fetus at two week gestationalincrements.
(b) The print materials required under this section shall be printedin a typefacelarge enough to be clearly legible. Theinformational video shall be published in digitalvideo disc format. All materials required to be published under this sectionshall also be published online on the department's website. All materialsshall be made available in both English and Spanish language versions.
(c) The materials required under this section shall be available at no costfrom the department upon request and in appropriate number to any person,facility or hospital.
History: L. 1997, ch. 190, § 28;L. 2009, ch. 28, § 2; July 1.