65-7004. Application of act.The provisions of this act shall not apply to: (a) Adistribution of a regulatedchemical to or by a common carrier for carriage in thelawful andusual course of thebusiness of the common carrier, or to or by a warehousemanforstorage in the lawfuland usual course of the business of the warehouseman;
(b) the lawful administering or dispensing of a regulated chemical by alicensedpractitioner in the course of professional practice orresearch;
(c) the purchase, distribution or possession of a regulated chemical by alocal, state orfederal law enforcement agency while in the discharge of official duties unlessthe Kansas bureauof investigation properly notifies the local law enforcement agency relying onthe exclusion thatits investigatory activities are contrary to the public interest; or
(d) products containing ephedra or ma huang, which do not contain anychemically synthesized ephedrine alkaloids, and are lawfully marketed asdietary supplements under federal law.
History: L. 1999, ch. 170, § 10;L. 2003, ch. 124, § 11; July 1.