65-7303. Unlawful representations; lawful activitiesunder the act.(a) On and after October 1, 2005, except as otherwiseprovided inthisact, no person shallperform radiologic technology procedures on humans for diagnostic ortherapeutic purposesunless the person possesses a valid license issued under this act.
(b) A person holding a license under this act shall use radioactivesubstances or equipment forradiologic technology procedures on humans only for diagnostic or therapeuticpurposes byprescription of a licensed practitioner.
(c) No person shall depict one's self orally or in writing, expressly or byimplication, as holder ofa license who does not hold a current license under this act.
(d) (1) Only persons licensed under this act as a radiologic technologistshall be entitled to usethe title "radiologic technologist" or "licensed radiologictechnologist",abbreviations thereof, or words similarthereto or use thedesignated letters "R.T." or "L.R.T.".
(2) Only persons licensed under this act as a radiologic technologist and whohave receivedcertification from the American registry of radiologic technologists(ARRT)in radiography shall be entitled to use the title "radiologic technologistradiographer" or "licensed radiologic technologist radiographer" orabbreviations thereof, or words similar thereto or use the designated letters"R.T. (R)" or "L.R.T. (R)".
(3) Only persons licensed under this act as a radiologic technologist and whohave received additionalcertification from the American registry of radiologic technologists(ARRT)in radiation therapy shall be entitled to use the title "radiation therapist"or"licensed radiation therapist",abbreviations thereof, or words similar thereto or use the designated letters"R.T. (T)" or "L.R.T. (T)".
(4) Only persons licensed under this act as a radiologic technologist and whohave received additionalcertification from the American registry of radiologic technologists(ARRT)in nuclear medicine technologyshall be entitled touse the title"nuclear medicine technologist", "licensed nuclear medicine technologist" or"registered nuclear medicine technologist", abbreviationsthereof, or wordssimilar thereto or use the designated letters "R.T. (N)" or "L.R.T. (N)".
(5) Only persons licensed under this act as a radiologic technologist and whohave received additionalcertificationfrom the nuclear medicine technologycertification board (NMTCB) shall be entitled touse the title"certified nuclear medicine technologist",abbreviationsthereof, or wordssimilar thereto or use the designated letters "C.N.M.T.".
(e) This section shall not prohibit a person who islicensed as a respiratorytherapist by this statefrom using any letter or designation indicating that such person is engaged inthe practice ofrespiratory therapy.
(f) This section shall take effect on and afterOctober 1, 2005.
History: L. 2004, ch. 84, § 3;L. 2005, ch. 34, § 1; July 1.