65-7310. Radiologic technology council,establishment; membership, terms, vacancies; meetings; majority quorum;expenses.(a) There is established the radiologic technology council toassist the state board ofhealing arts in carrying out the provisions of this act. The council shallconsist of five members,all citizens and residents of the state of Kansas appointed as follows: Theboard shall appoint onemember who is a physician licensed to practice medicine and surgery who is alsocertified as aradiologist and one member who is a member of the state board of healing arts.Membersappointed by the board shall serve at the pleasure of the board. The governorshall appoint threeradiologic technologists who have at least three years' experience inradiologic technology preceding the appointment and are actively engaged, inthis state, in the practice of radiologictechnology or the teaching of radiologic technology. At least two of thegovernor's appointmentsshall be made from a list of four nominees submitted by the Kansas society ofradiologictechnologists.
(b) The members appointed by the governor shall be appointed for terms offour years except that of the members first appointed, one shall be appointedfor a term of two years, one for a term of three years, and one for a term offour years, withsuccessor members appointed for four years and to serve until a successormember is appointed.If a vacancy occurs on the council, the appointing authority of the positionwhich has becomevacant shall appoint a person of like qualifications to fill the vacantposition for the unexpiredterm.
(c) Radiologic technologists initially appointed to the council must beeligible for licensure underK.S.A. 2009 Supp.65-7305, and amendments thereto. On and afterOctober 1, 2005,new appointeesshall be licensedunder the provisions of this act.
(d) The council shall meet at least once each year at a time and place of itschoosing and at suchother times as may be necessary on the chairperson's call or on the request ofa majority of thecouncil's members.
(e) A majority of the council constitutes a quorum. No action may be taken bythe council exceptby affirmative vote of the majority of the members present and voting.
(f) Members of the council attending meetings of the council, or asubcommittee of the council,shall be paid amounts provided in subsection (e) of K.S.A. 75-3223, andamendments thereto, from the healing arts feefund.
History: L. 2004, ch. 84, § 8;L. 2005, ch. 34, § 4; July 1.