65-904. When bodies not to be delivered to medical school; burialby relatives or friends; unclaimed body of deceased inmate.(a) Except as provided by subsection (b), if the deceased personduring such person's last sicknessrequests to be buried, or if burial is provided for under article 3of chapter 73 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated or acts amendatory thereofor supplemental thereto, the body shall not be surrendered, but shall beburied in the usual manner. No body shall bedelivered as provided in K.S.A. 65-902a and amendments thereto, if claimedbyrelatives or friends within 72 hours after death, norshall a body be delivered as provided in K.S.A. 65-902a and amendmentsthereto unless the person or persons in charge of the deceased at thetime of death have made diligent search forrelativesor friends and no response to the search has beenreceivedwithin 96 hours after the commencement of such search. No deadbody received by the department of anatomy of the medical school of theuniversity of Kansas under the provisions of this act shall be dissectedprior to 60 days after date of receipt of the dead body. In case the remains of any personso delivered andreceived shall be claimed within 60 days by any relative orfriend, they shall be given to such relative or friend for interment.
(b) The unclaimed body of adeceased inmate in the custody of the secretary of corrections may be crematedat the expense of the department of corrections.
History: L. 1897, ch. 158, § 4; R.S. 1923, 65-904; L. 1951, ch.359, § 6; L. 1997, ch. 179, § 8; May 22.