66-121. Same; regulators, pressure gauges and other devices; standardpressure; rates.The corporation commission for the state of Kansas is hereby empoweredto establish districts within any city having a population of 500 or morewhere gas is distributed under any such franchise, and to require andcompel the installation of regulators, pressure gauges, and other devicesfor determining the pressure of such gas and recording the same within suchdistricts. The commission shall fix a standard pressure for efficientservice and the price to be paid by the consumer based thereon, and shallalso formulate and prescribe a method or methods for computing the amountsto be paid for gas by domestic consumers when the pressure is insufficient,based upon the standard of pressure for efficient service, and to make andprescribe and enforce such reasonable rules and regulations as may benecessary to enforce and carry out the provisions of this act.
History: L. 1919, ch. 239, § 2; June 17; R.S. 1923, 66-121.