66-123. Public utilities and common carriers,reports; penalty for failureto file.Every public utility and common carrier governed by the provisions ofthis act when, and as required by the corporation commission, shall filewith the corporation commission an annual report and such monthly or otherregular reports, or special reports, and such other information as thecorporation commission may require. When required by the corporation commissionsuch reports andinformation shall be certified under oath by a duly authorized officerhaving knowledge of the matters therein contained. The corporationcommission may at any time require from any public utility or commoncarrier specific answers to any questions upon which it may desireinformation in connection with matters pending before them.
The corporation commission may, in its discretion, grant extensions ofthe time within which reports and information are required to be filed.Annual reports shall befiled on or before May 1 for the preceding calendar yearunless otherwise specified by commission order or ruleandregulation.
Any public utility or common carrier, except motorcarriers as defined in K.S.A. 66-196, et seq., and amendmentsthereto,governed by this act which fails,neglects or refuses to file with the corporation commission any annual reports,statements, monthly or regular reports or special reports required by thecommission pursuant to statute or rules and regulations shall be subject to acivil penalty of not more than $500.
History: L. 1911, ch. 238, § 24; L. 1917, ch. 254, § 1; R.S. 1923,66-123;L. 1994, ch. 133, § 1;L. 2000, ch. 78, § 2; July 1.