66-132. Accidents; notice to commission; investigations.Every common carrier and every public utility governed by the provisionsof this act, whenever an accident attended with loss of human life orserious personal injury occurs upon its premises within this state, shallgiveimmediate notice thereof to the commission by telegraph, telephone or telecopy.If notice is given by telephone,such notice shall be followed by a written notice sent by certified orregistered mail. In the event ofany such accident, if the commissiondetermines that the public interest requires an investigation to be madewiththe secretary of labor, such investigationshall be held in the locality of the accident, unless for greaterconvenience of those concerned, the commission orderssuch investigation be heldat some other place. Such investigation may be adjourned fromplace toplace as may be found necessary and convenient. The commission shall notify anofficer or agent of the public utility or commoncarrier of the time and place of the investigation in a timely manner.
History: L; 1911, ch; 238, § 32; R.S. 1923, 66-132;L. 1991, ch. 204, § 1;L. 2004, ch. 179, § 92; July 1.