66-155. Duties of attorney of commission.It is hereby made the duty of the attorney of the corporation commissionto make a special study of the public utilities laws ofthisand other states and the interstate commerce act, to prosecute and defendall suits and proceedings in behalf of the state, in the name of the state,in connection with the acts of the corporation commission, and onbehalf of parties complaining of unjust discriminations by a public utility, orother violations of this act.The attorney shall, whensuch attorney believes or when such attorneyis notified by thecorporation commission that ithas knowledge or good reason to believe that any classification, rate orcharge made by any public utility in thisstateis unjust, unreasonable, or discriminating, whether such rate or charge islocal, special, or general, or other matters concerning such company in theoperation of its utility in the state of Kansas, is unreasonableordiscriminative or violative of the laws of Kansas, make complaintin writing to the corporation commission, in the name of the state onsuch attorney'srelation, and the corporation commission shallproceed toconsider and determine such complaint in all respects as is provided forthe hearing and determination of complaints in other cases.
History: R.S. 1923, 66-155;L. 2005, ch. 21, § 7; July 1.