66-183. Stringing wires along or across streets, highways or publicplaces; regulations.All public utilities owning or operating wires for the transmission oftelegraph or telephone messages or for the transmission of electricityupon, along, or across the streets, highways or public places in this stateare required to so use, string and maintain such wires as to avoidunreasonable injury or interference from the wires of other utilities andto avoid unreasonable injury to and interference with the wires of otherutilities, and the corporation commission is given the power, and it ishereby made its duty, to prescribe reasonable rules and regulations withrespect to the stringing and maintaining of wires in all cases where thereis danger or possibility of unreasonable interference with or damage to thewires or service of one utility by those of another utility and withrespect to the support, maintenance, repair and reconstruction thereof,which rules shall be furnished to any interested person upon application tothe corporation commission, and the corporation commission is given thepower, and it is hereby made its duty to prescribe reasonable rules andregulations with respect to the stringing of wires, electric or otherwise,which cross over or under the tracks of any railroad company and withrespect to the support, maintenance, repair and reconstruction thereof,which rules shall be furnished to any interested person upon application;but in no case shall the height of any wires which cross above the tracksof a railway company be less than twenty-five feet from the top of therails, except trolley and feed wires of electric railroads, which wiresshall be not less than twenty-two feet above the tops of the rails.
History: L. 1917, ch. 252, § 1; March 13; R.S. 1923, 66-183.