66-1,140. Rules and regulations governingregistration and feesfor certain vehicles used temporarily; vehicles entering state onoccasional trips; designation of superintendent of the highway patrol asissuing agent;acknowledgments.(a) The commission shall make reasonable rules and regulationsspecifying circumstances under which substitute or extra trucks, trucktractors or passenger vehicles to be used temporarily in cases ofemergency or for special occasional trips by carriers currently licensedby the commission may be registered and shall prescribe and collect areasonable registration fee therefor, not exceeding $10 foreach truck,truck tractor or passenger vehicle.The term of such registration shall be for such period of time as thecommission shall prescribe by rules and regulations.
(b) The commission shall also provide for special registration fortrucks, truck tractors or passenger vehicles not registered under theprovisions of K.S.A. 66-1,139, and amendments thereto, which enter the stateonlyon an occasional trip or in temporary service and shall collect$15 asa fee therefor.
(c) By contract entered into by the commission, thesuperintendentof the Kansas highway patrol and the secretary of the department ofrevenue, the commissionmay designate the superintendent and secretary as agents authorized toprovide the specialregistrations under either subsection (a)or (b) so that such registrations will be obtainable at motor carrierinspection stations and department of revenue offices. In such event,thesuperintendent or the superintendent'sdesignee and the secretary or the secretary's designee may provide suchspecial registrationspursuant to the terms and conditions of the applicable contract. Thecommission orits designated agent shall acknowledge special registration under eithersubsection (a) or (b), which acknowledgment shall accompany the vehicleand be used and accepted as evidence of such registration; and whennecessary, such acknowledgment shall be by telegram.
History: L. 1955, ch. 297, § 3; L. 1956, ch. 50, § 3; L. 1957,ch. 350, § 3; L. 1977, ch. 304, § 21;L. 1988, ch. 266, § 5;L. 2003, ch. 124, § 31; July 1.